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Privacy Policy

Customers are normally required to provide us with certain information in order to help us to improve their shopping experience and comply with shopping orders. Angelhealthcarebbsr.com endeavors to prevent the misuse of any information. Angelhealthcarebbsr.com understands the importance of privacy and therefore protecting our customer’s privacy is our top priority. For the purpose of this privacy policy, the terms “we”, “our”, “us” “Angelhealthcarebbsr.com” refers to the owner of Dr. Ajit Kumar Surin and the terms “you”, “your”, “customer” refers to the user or viewer of the website.


While registering or ordering from Angelhealthcarebbsr.com, you will be required to supply some information like name, address, postal code, gender, e-mail address, contact number, payment details, payment card details, etc. We may also gather information about your access to our website, number of times you have visited our website and the services accessed by you at our website. This information is used by us to personalize your shopping experience, to process your transactions, deliver your orders, process payment and to make communications regarding your order. The contact number and e-mail address are used by us for contacting you for the fulfillment of your order, sending you information and promotional codes and notifying you about any offer, updates, or new service. This information is also used by Angelhealthcarebbsr.com staff and members, who are involved in the completion of your transaction. Apart from personal information, we may also collect browsing data of the user like the IP address, the operating system, type of browser, duration of accessing the website, the date and time when the website has been accessed. This information is used by us for diagnostics purpose, which helps us to identify fraudulent use and to prevent your device from fraud. The information we don’t collect is credit/debit card information. This information goes directly to our third party, secure payment gateway and is not retained in our servers at all.


A variety of security measures are administered by Angelhealthcarebbsr.com to ensure that the user’s information is protected and not misused or exposed to third parties. Angelhealthcarebbsr.com does not engage in selling, renting, transferring, or trading of personal information to third parties. The personal details collected by us are secured through a secure server.


Angelhealthcarebbsr.com may contain links to third party websites (websites controlled by companies other than Angelhealthcarebbsr.com). Those websites are regulated by their respective privacy policy and are not under the control of Angelhealthcarebbsr.com. Customer willing to access the third party website shall do it at their own discretion and are requested to go through their respective privacy policy. Angelhealthcarebbsr.com shall not be held responsible for any contents or default arising out of linked websites.


The information posted by the users in the public areas such as, comment/ review box, or in the online forums of Angelhealthcarebbsr.com are free to the access of other person and Angelhealthcarebbsr.com has no control over it. Angelhealthcarebbsr.com shall not be held responsible for the use of such information by any third party.


Angelhealthcarebbsr.com uses cookies for improving and customizing customer shopping experience. Cookies is a piece of a data which is sent by the website and stored in the user web browser. It helps the website to load user’s previous activity anytime when the website is reloaded. Angelhealthcarebbsr.com use cookies to keep a track on user’s activity so that it can recall your given information and preferences, every time when you load the website thereby making your use of the website faster and convenient. Use of cookies may also store your password for accessing the website so that you can automatically be directed your account on the website. Cookies do not carry viruses nor install malware on the host computer. However, the use of cookies is optional and it is upon the discretion of the user to accept or decline cookies. Users may also change their browser setting to decline all or any of the cookie. Accepting the cookie is not essential for accessing Angelhealthcarebbsr.com, but declining cookie may prevent you from accessing some features of the website thereby restricting your use of the site.


Web beacon, also known as pixel tag or web bug is a transparent graphic image used in combination with cookies to observe the behaviour of the user of the website. The web page contains a web beacon which would enable us to count the users visiting the page in order to deliver co-branded services. These web beacons collect a limited information like the page on which it resides, cookie number, time and date of page view and do not collect any personal information. Web beacons would be declined automatically by declining the use of cookies. The web beacon on Angelhealthcarebbsr.com are not permitted for the use by third party.


By continuing to use Angelhealthcarebbsr.com and providing us with your information, you consent to our privacy policy and permit us to use your information in the manner set in Angelhealthcarebbsr.com privacy policy.


Angelhealthcarebbsr.com reserves all the right to make changes in the privacy policy without prior notice to the user. Such changes will be posted on this page and will come to effect on the date of posting of such changes in the privacy policy page. Angelhealthcarebbsr.com assure that such changes would not lessen the protection promised to the users for securing their privacy.


If you have any queries regarding the privacy policy or feedback or suggestion, feel free to contact us at: angelhealthcare.bbsr@gmail.com